7 sure fire tips to keep your site traffic low and your blog off the search engines!!!

valueAre you afraid of people reading your blog? Do you want to publish your work only for your viewing pleasure? Well, here is how! Make sure to follow these 7-tips and you can be assured to have no readers, be very last or non-existent in search engines, and earn zero income!!!

  1. Make sure to use no Keywords in your stories and posts. Keyword density matching keywords in your titles are one of the many things search engines use to assign value and rankings to content. If you truly want to end up at the bottom use titles with words like things, it, and they. Have you ever done a search for things? If not, let me save you the time: Google search on things yields 550,000,000 results. You will sure to never be in the first 400,000,000 results.
  1. Don’t include any social bookmaking links. In the rare event that someone does come across your blog you want to make sure not to give them the opportunity to easily bookmark your site. This may cause un-desirable traffic and increase your ranking in search engines. If you use WordPress by all means don’t use any of these plug-ins:



  1. If you are using Google Adwords make sure to have more ads then you actually have in content! This works great, using this strategy should keep you off the radar in google or any other search engine. In addition, if a reader does happen to stop by, you can be guaranteed they will leave in no time flat.
  1. Make sure to create lots of mirror sites with the exact same content. Another great strategy to get you blacklisted from search engines.
  1. When creating your content, make sure you always hide it in very deep directories. Search engines like shallow directories, so to keep them from sniffing around and finding searchable content, just add some deep directories like mysite.com/content/article/website/current/index.html.
  1. Never write different, exciting, or pre-news posts and articles. Just take a look at this case example found on Johncow.com.

    Dean gives a great summary how he changed a good but boring post into something that did exceedingly well on digg (remember tip number 2 about social bookmarking sites). A good post/article can have a snowball effect and bring doom to your site by the unexpected social bookmarking scene. It is very important that you never do this. Last thing you want is to be creative.

  1. Never, under any circumstances use trackbacks. After you have achieved your well written but boring non-creative post/article, make sure you never use trackbacks if you happen to reference another blog. For a great explanation and example see optiniche – wordpress trackback tutorial.
    Again never use this as it could bring credibility to your site from bigger and better bloggers if they like your content. With credibility, you gain traffic and search rankings and we know this is the last thing you want.

We hope these tips have been of great Value. We strive to bring you better Value in all the things you do! Happy Blogging!

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