3374 7 0 career and job Job Performance and Climbing the Corporate Ladder February 24, 2009 / BetterValue Given the state of the economy and more and more people losing their jobs I am compelled to write this post with the goal to help ...
2970 6 0 career and job Publish Your Own Magazine June 23, 2008 / BetterValue Do you have the next great magazine idea but no one to fund your idea? Do you have great writing skills, but no magazine to publish ...
3038 8 0 career and job A Brilliant Idea, Alternate Sources of Income. Inspiration to Start! September 25, 2007 / BetterValue One thing that I have found most common among wealthy individuals is the ability to have and maintain alternate sources of income. Most ...
3222 9 2 career and job What Checkers Can Teach You About Success in Your Career! August 31, 2007 / BetterValue If you have ever played a game of checkers, you know to win the game you need strategy and thinking ahead. If you can anticipate your ...