4276 9 0 Featured Mortgage Payment Suspension: Covid 19 Your Options April 9, 2020 / BetterValue The impact of Covid 19 on the US economy is going to have a lasting impact that no one can predict. Many of us will be required ...
5112 13 0 cars Are payments on 1.9% APR low? July 1, 2019 / BetterValue When shopping for cars these days it seems everyone leans towards leases that are hard to understand, where costs are easily hidden, ...
9384 10 0 cars APR and Payment Amount Cheat Sheet June 12, 2014 / BetterValue Need to know what you payment will be for 0.9%, 1.9%, 2.9%, 3.9%, or 4.9% APR for amounts between $10,000 and $51,000? Use this APR ...
4247 9 0 cars Using Excel’s PMT Function to Determine Financing Payments June 10, 2014 / BetterValue Using excel to build a financing table can be useful when it comes time to buy a car, purchase a house, or understanding credit cards. ...