18 0 cars Should You Lease or Finance Your Next Car? Leasing or Financing? That is sometimes not such an easy question. Your choice to lease or finance depends on many factors like what ...
16217 10 0 cars Ten Truths of a Good Car Salesman June 9, 2014 / BetterValue Some time ago we posted the the Ten Lies of a Dirty car salesman. Due to the popularity of that one post, it should be noted that not ...
4343 3 1 cars Three Phrases That Need Caution! August 21, 2008 / BetterValue 1. “I paid off my 30-year mortgage in 5-years” The add I heard the other day had claimed this. Let me state that if you can ...
17224 12 0 loans Why You Should Not Lease! A sampling of Yukon Denali Leases July 20, 2008 / BetterValue If you have read through this site, you know that I offer many ways to help you figure out if you are getting a good deal on your ...