2824 8 0 loans Why Now Is Not The Time To Lease A Car February 2, 2009 / BetterValue As we roll into the new year many things have changed. A new President, tighter lending practices, higher unemployment, and a failing ...
17224 12 0 loans Why You Should Not Lease! A sampling of Yukon Denali Leases July 20, 2008 / BetterValue If you have read through this site, you know that I offer many ways to help you figure out if you are getting a good deal on your ...
2949 4 0 cars Low Payment – High Down Payment July 19, 2008 / BetterValue You know those front door deals, packaged in nice borders, a payment you can afford, and colors that appeal to your eyes. You find ...
4928 7 0 cars How to determine your savings for 0% APR Loans July 6, 2008 / BetterValue With all the Low APR deals, I thought it might be time to review how much does 0% APR save you and is it worth worse gas mileage. Lets ...
2477 5 0 cars Auto Sales Down July 1, 2008 / BetterValue Interesting numbers from a CNN report for the top auto manufactures: GM sales down 18.2% (-16% SUVS, -21% cars) Toyota sales down 21.4% ...