2913 8 2 Uncategorized The new four letter word “Personal Responsibility” October 3, 2007 / BetterValue Where has personal responsibility gone? It seems that now, more than ever, no one can accept personal responsibility and society seems ...
3901 4 0 Uncategorized Quick Technique to Memorize Large Lists! September 25, 2007 / BetterValue Here is a great little technique I found from Johnplaceonline.com. I have summarized for you below: 1. Create a list of short ...
2805 6 0 Shopping I don’t want to email support, give me an 800# number! September 21, 2007 / BetterValue Ever purchase or use a service and have a question and the only support you can find is email? I know I have run across this problem ...
2461 2 0 Uncategorized Update Verizon XV-6800 August 16, 2007 / BetterValue Please see updated post here.
2437 4 0 Shopping Got an ugly couch? August 13, 2007 / BetterValue I was emailed by a friend who made the cut for America’s ugliest couch (#4 for those who want to vote and help them out). Those ...