2845 12 2 Cell phone Palm Centro Released is Verizon Still Alive? September 28, 2007 / BetterValue Today, Palm released a new low cost smart phone aimed at non-business consumers. The new Centro smartphone, is based from Palm’s ...
2697 10 0 Cell phone Apple cuts iphone price: a lesson to early adopters September 5, 2007 / BetterValue Apple announced that it has cut the price of the iphone by $200, bringing down the price to $399 from the hefty $599 (a 33% price drop ...
3018 7 1 Cell phone Verizon’s Failed Response to ATT and Apple’s iphone! September 4, 2007 / BetterValue According to survey supplied by Isuppli (see story), Apple’s Iphone powered by AT&T has out sold all smartphones in the US ...
3088 6 0 Cell phone Iphone, AT&T, and the 60page invoice! August 27, 2007 / BetterValue I have been looking for a great example to demonstrate how chronic Telecom invoicing has become from large Telecom companies. If you ...
2322 6 0 Cell phone Update Verizon XV6800 August 24, 2007 / BetterValue Update: 9-19-07 I am sorry to say I don’t have much to report. I must admit, I am a bit surprised that no new dates for the ...