4825 4 0 Credit Cards What do you need to pay off debts quickly May 22, 2019 / BetterValue Guest Post About Debt Consolidation: Author: Andy Masaki Debts have become a common day affair for nearly every citizen of our country. ...
3984 9 0 Credit Cards Understanding Credit Card APR – Warning! June 15, 2015 / BetterValue Whether buying a house or using a credit card, APR (annual percentage rate) drives the cost of any financed purchased. Borrowing money ...
4275 9 0 cars Using Excel’s PMT Function to Determine Financing Payments June 10, 2014 / BetterValue Using excel to build a financing table can be useful when it comes time to buy a car, purchase a house, or understanding credit cards. ...
2805 6 0 Credit Cards Credit Criminals..ohh I mean Credit Cards September 10, 2007 / BetterValue In an earlier post I mention some of the dirty techniques that credit card companies play to take your hard earned money. Well, here ...
3687 3 1 Credit Cards The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Credit Cards and how to change that! August 7, 2007 / BetterValue Please feel free to share this information on your site with proper links and credit back to www.findbettervalue.com (Thanks) The Good: ...