10 Lies of a Dirty Car Salesman!

10 Lies of a Dirty Car Salesman!

Good and Bad Car Salesmen

At some point, we are all probably going to have the experience of buying a car.  For those that have, they will all tell you stories of how long it took, how the dealership tried to add many extras, or for others, what a good deal they got, it only took an hour, or how pleasant the experience was.  So what makes one person’s experience so much better than an other’s persons?  Simple, the salesmen and the dealership tactics.

A Car Salesmen controls your experience.  They control the starting point for your negotiating, the back and forth process, and the speed at which all of the complicated things happen.  A car salesman that does not have your best interest can cause a miserable time in any of those areas.  In my experience, most of the bad car salesmen I have come across typically work for dealers that like to game the customer and wear them down to get the highest possible price on the car they are selling.  A good car salesman in converse helps speed up the process, does not waste your time, and supports you.  You can read more about ways to spot a good car salesman here.

10-Lies of a Dirty Car Salesman

Lies, Lies, and More Lies.

So you know everything there is to know about the car you plan on buying. From the true wholesale value to the estimated deprecation. You are armed with spreadsheets, references, ads, and competing bank interest or lease rates. So what is the one thing you are missing?

How about a lie detector? Well, I can’t give you one of those, but here is the next best thing from quotes car salesmen have actually told me.  If you here any of these, be on the defensive as you may have a dirty car salesman.


1. “This is the lowest deal ever done in the history of this dealership” says the car salesman as he smiles and winks at you. Yeah right! This is your sign to push harder, you have not done good enough.  You could also respond with ” This is the worst deal I have ever been offered in my life”.  Statements like this are designed to push that impulse button we all have.  Don’t buy in and keep negotiating or try another dealer.


2. “This sale is the best they have had and it will never be repeated,” says the manager of the dirty car salesman. If that is true then ask him to put that in writing and guarantee you that if a better deal ever comes along they will pay you the difference, and then say goodbye. The salesman obviously does not respect you.  Sales will happen every year, some better than others and there is really no way to know if it will never be repeated.  I was told this line when GM was offering the first-ever employee pricing deal.  Now it seems that offer is every other weekend.


3. The car salesman tells you they will give you private party blue book for your car. If they do, then you are paying to much somewhere else. Most dealers send cars to auction which is far less then private party blue book and the reason why they give you such a low amount on trade-ins. Giving you Private Party blue book value is a losing proposition for them.


4. “We need 20% down”, says the car salesman. If this comes before they have checked your credit score get up and leave or tell him you want the car for $10 per month. Many banks do not require this unless you have horrible credit. They are conditioning you to make the real offers sound better. You’re in for a long ride with this salesman if you don’t set him straight right away.


5. The words of a great Lying salsman: “We have a great 52-month loan” or substitute any loan that is different than 24,36,48, or 60 months. This is a big red flag! Off period loans are designed to maximize profits because people are usually not prepared to negotiate them. If you know how to, then, by all means, check the math and proceed, but if you don’t know how stay away.  Read up on ways to understand Low APR financing.


6. “I have to check with my manager on that payment” says the eager car salesman. No they don’t. Fact is after they run your credit they have nice programs that tell them what various banks are going to loan you. If you are negotiating loan payments, you are losing the battle. You should always be negotiating the car price. For that, they may need to check with the manager if you are driving a hard bargain. Once the price is determined, your car payment is a function of your credit score and any special promotions a bank is willing to give you. You need to know this information if you do you will save yourself a lot of time and money negotiating your car.  Learn more about APR vs. Cash Back.


7. “Residual values are set by the bank” said by the car salesman in the heat of the negotiation. Well this is true, however, is that what they are giving you in your lease? A tactic that is used in leases is to increase the payment but give you a lower residual value at the end of the lease. This does you no good, it just means you are renting the car higher than what you should be renting it for. You should know the approximate residual value. I have not found any sites that reveal this information for free, but a good approximation is looking at the used car market 3 and 4 years out. A typical car can lose about 40% over the first four years ( 20% in the first year and then 7-10% in each subsequent years). By the way, never do a 60-month lease. 36-month leases are optimal in most cases. Read about Car Depreciation.


8. “This deal is only available today!” Probably not true unless it is a factory special that expires. If you have done your homework you will know this already and be able to know if the salesman is lying to you.


9. “We can’t match the same deal the other dealer has!” Probably not true. If it is, then leave and go to the other dealer.


10. “Our dealer sells the most cars and gets the best pricing from the manufacturer!” Hmm, it is funny that almost every dealer I have walked into says this. Perhaps they all sell the same amount of cars. If they are claiming this ask them to back up their offer. If you find a lower price have them give you the difference, after all they are suppose to get the biggest discount right?

Here is the good news.  For every bad car salesman there is a great one!  Key is to find them and work your deal.  If you do get a bad salesman simply ask to work with someone else.  If we all did this perhaps we could weed out the bad salesman and change the car buying experience.

At the end of the day, be careful about statements that seem strange or don’t correspond with your research.  The more prepared you are the better you will spot the good from the bad and walk away with a great deal.


Finding you value in car shopping! dirty car salesmen


  1. Pingback: 10 Lies of a Dirty Car Salesman « Life Lists

  2. ReplyRob D

    I think your list is pretty right on except for 9 & 10. Some manufacturers offer what is called a stairstep program that favors higher volume dealerships. So if they lose money selling you a car but sell enough to hit the stairstep bonus they get extra money retroactively on all the cars sold in that program. So yes, sometimes the local dealer can’t match the price and yes some dealers do get special numbers incentives.

  3. Author

    Those are excellent points and ones I failed to address. Volume most definitely plays a role in the prices the dealer can charge. In my experience, it seems no matter what dealer I go to they claim they have the most volume (one that I always laugh at when they tell me that). Maybe they just mean they have enough volume to meet the incentives the manufactures have set, allowing them to sell cars for a better price.

  4. ReplyKevin C.

    I think your right when you say there isn’t alot of great car salesman out there , but I do know from experience that buyers lie more than Salesman,I have been selling cars for 10 plus years and try every day to give my customers a pleasant buying experience and for the most part customers are good and then you have the ones that come in with a chip on there shoulder looking for a fight,as a pro you try to disarm them with politeness and honesty but these people usually are already brainwashed into thinking that all car sales people lie and this isn’t the case all the time,so these people end up with the bad buying experience and then start a web sight about what to look for when buying a car so that they feel like there all of a sudden Smart?Lol
    What you should do is call ahead of time and get the price over the phone and get that Salesman or Managers name and then go into the dealer and buy after doing the same to 3 othere dealers if there is a trade look up Kelly Blue Book and get as close to fair condition as possable and make the purchase,all this stuff this guy is telling you is idiotic and time consuming,if you want a good deal call me 978-328-4509 and I will let you know how to get a great deal.And as far as the residual values on a 3 year lease it is hard to give a accurate price as to what the car is worth but I can tell you Honda is the Best car to lease ,then Toyota is a close 2nd and then maybe Nissan.If you would like to e-mail me with any questions I am currently in the Business and would love to help you [email protected]

  5. Replychris

    this article has many holes , car sales people have been wrongly depicted as liars for years , although in reality its alot like the,, which came first ,the chicken or the egg? theory. i have been in the retail car industry for over 25 years i can sight more than a few examples of buyers lying to squeeze a good deal ..i.e. the dealer down the street is giving me more for my trade?? really !!! you dont say?? my favorite buyers lie is the one where the two guys are sitting in the local watering hole and the first guy says “boy elmer did i get a great deal on my new oldsmobile” !!! not wanting to look like a schmuck, he lies to his buddy telling him he paid far less for his new olds than he really did , so elmer wants the same deal his friend said he received ,, i have pulled out countless deals to show customers what there friends REALLY paid !!! car sales people lie because the …BUYERS HAVE ALWAYS LIED… while negotiating a car deal,

  6. ReplyThe Scrub

    As a buyer, I have had mostly bad experiences trying to find a salesman worth dealing with. Most of them tried to pull tactics like you mentioned in this piece.

    But in my opinion, it is the bad ones giving the good ones a bad rep. Each time I have bought a car, I have always eventually found a reputable salesman and got a good deal. Like with anything else, you just have to dig a bit to find a good one.

  7. Replycarol

    I had a salesman tell me that it didn’t matter what the color of the car was, I was gonna be on the inside and couldn’t see it anyway!!!

  8. Replyjenn

    I hate car salesman, when I went with my friend when he was trying to buy a car, the car salesman told my friend “I bet she has great credit” then looking at me, “Why don’t you cosign for him”. After that, I told my friend I was leaving (I drove) and that if they wanted a ride home, they could get in the car with me, or try to buy a car from the dealer. They left with me.

  9. ReplyMike

    This list is pretty stupid. I work for a car dealership and I couldn’t imagine any of our staff saying these things. They just sound so cheeseball and tacky. Who would even want to deal with someone that talked to them like that. I work at a dealership that has salespeople that have been here from 10 to even 57 years! (He’s 81!) Everyone treats their customers with respect, but at the end of the day, selling cars is not a non-profit business. We sell cars to make a profit obviously. However, we treat out clientele with honesty and respect. I hate how poor of a reputation the car sales industry has. Salespeople who act anything like depicted above, should be fired. I know they would at my dealership.

  10. ReplyDad

    Funny how most customers have had bad experiences, and most sales people cite lying customers. I’ve found good sales people who leave the dealership before I come back next weekend to buy the car.
    The really atrocious sales people do enough damage to justify the bad name given to the good ones. Best example: We were ready to buy a Toyota one weekend, and the sales guy put our sale on hold until he had a chance to sell it for a better price over the memorial day weekend. When I came in he next business day, he thought he had a sale. Instead I ripped him up one side and down the other in front of his “MANAGER” and fellow sales people. The other sales guys were laughing uncontrollably, and the offender squirmed and said anything he could to get me to stop ragging on him and sign the papers.
    Blame the lot owners, they make the environment, and hire the lairs.
    Research is key to a good buying experience. -Oh and walking away alot if necessary. -Don’t buy when desperate.

  11. ReplyEddie Elayan

    I think who ever wrote these 9 steps is a dutchbag who has no idea what he is talking about. What carsalesman do you see or hear of that is living large from the amount of people he or she ripped off? We sincerly want to help you and we sincerley want to sell you car to make a living just like anybody else! The guy who wrote this is probably bitter because he is a dumbass. Folks, the msrp is the manafature retail selling price of the car! That is what the factory is asking for the car and that is what the car is worth! If you paid sticker you are not getting ripped off you just paid full price just like you would go into a supermarket and pay full price for a gallon of milk! You do no negotiate with the cashier and say hey…i’ll pay you a 50 cents for that gallon of milk. If you get a dollar off the msrp you are getting a great deal! The nice thing is everything is on the internet. Type in the car you want and find out the msrp and what the dealer cost is. Now if the dealers sold every single person that walked in the door at cost how do they turn enough profit to stay in buisness! They are there to turn a profit and doing you a favor by not having to fly to the otherside of the world and buy a car from factory and pay over sticker for that car! Find out what you can offord and if that amount is between the msrp and invoice make a offer! if your number is below invoice then go look at a cheaper car! It’s that simple! It’s miserable guys like the guy who wrote this crap who is destroying the economy because they are putting their two sense in. If you know what you are talking about go sell cars for a living and give up writing.

  12. ReplyJY

    Yeah, I know this is an old article and has old comments, but I’m going to comment anyway. How about top 10 lies of car buyers, or, save your breath, anyone who has sold cars for more than a month knows you’re lying when you say “I have to think about it” “the other dealer is giving me $x thousands more for my trade” “x dealership is thousand below your price, I left the quote at home and can’t pull it up on my email here” “I have to pray about it” (God doesn’t like to be mocked), “I have to go to lunch, but I’ll be right back” etc.

    I’ll also address jenn. I’m willing to bet my next paycheck she was being putting her 2 cents in on the deal, telling her friend, who probably had pisspoor credit they should be getting a better interest rate, lower rate etc. The salesman was basically saying “If you’re really that concerned, step up and really help of shut your mouth.”

  13. ReplyRobert Hart

    I agree with a previous post. See the MSRP advertised. Go to the dealership expecting to pay the MSRP. It is like buying a gallon of milk. Picture yourself arguing with the cashier at Safeway. Just pay as much as the price tag says, or find another car with another price tag. ( To be honest, a car dealership salesman did REALLY pressure me to look at used cars.) I was trying not to be rude but he got ticked off when I told him I was only looking for NEW.

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