3066 5 0 cars Car Leasing or playing with fire? 8 simple tips to keep your wallet protected! August 29, 2007 / BetterValue In my opinion you get burned less playing with fire, but before you go out and strike a match, here are some very quick tips to control ...
2417 4 0 cars Are you a bad Customer when buying cars? Why you must change! August 24, 2007 / BetterValue Why do your care? It should be the salesman’s job to serve me! Well, truth is, if you lie, cheat, and treat the person you are ...
6001 5 1 cars Battle Royale! Low Car loan APR Vs. Cash Back? August 22, 2007 / BetterValue 0% financing is back and so are generous cash back offers. Knowing which one to take can save you money in the long run! Here is how to ...
45174 8 14 cars 10 Lies of a Dirty Car Salesman! August 17, 2007 / BetterValue Good and Bad Car Salesmen At some point, we are all probably going to have the experience of buying a car. For those that have, they ...
2457 7 0 loans Free Loan Tool for comparing loans! August 9, 2007 / BetterValue Loan Tool Here is a free tool we put together to help you compare loans. You need Microsoft Excel to view and use the tool. Sorry for ...