5163 9 0 investing See Where Your Taxes Are Going February 6, 2015 / BetterValue ere is a simple tool from the Administration to help you determine where your taxes go. It is two years old, but still should give you ...
3832 4 0 money Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) and You April 11, 2013 / BetterValue As we enter into 2013 new provisions of the Affordable Care Act continue to take place. This year’s changes include additional ...
3906 5 0 career and job Time to take a tax strategy May 5, 2009 / BetterValue Unfortunately with unprecedented spending by the new administration, there will be a point when the bill will come due. You can agree ...
2118 2 0 taxes All of CA’s budget cuts……The truth March 9, 2008 / BetterValue Here they are. http://www.ebudget.ca.gov/pdf/GovernorsBudget/8000/9944.pdf In this sheet you can see every cut the governor plans to ...